5LL #199 - Graduates, Starbucks, Abolition, Userverses, Gramsci

The Revolt of the College-Educated Working Class
Noam Scheiber, The New York Times
Since the Great Recession, the college-educated have taken more frontline jobs at companies like Starbucks and Amazon. Now they’re helping to unionize them.
Brewed Awakening
Molly Osberg, The Baffler
The unionization campaigns have put Starbucks in the middle of what I imagine would be a conscious corporation’s worst nightmare: having to either cede control of the definition of doing “responsible” business, or admit those measures were farcical all along.
Understanding Abolition Through bell hooks
Tamara K. Nopper, The New Inquiry
What I want to consider is how hooks’s thinking is relevant to abolition, as she grappled with addressing harm, violence, and trauma in non-punitive ways.
Masters of the Userverse
Grafton Tanner, Real Life
A fantasy life of push-button convenience and technological coddling is just as much a “virtual world” as any metaverse.
Gramsci's Gift
Alan Wald, Boston Review
For the Italian Communist, there was no road map for social transformation beyond hands-on, bottom-up activism.
Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers
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