5LL #198 - Production, Copaganda, Cringe, Movements, The Great Resignation

Working Alone
Douglas Young, Spectre
Atomized and desocialized production as an obstacle to power.
How to Spot Copaganda: Four Questions to Ask When Reading News About Cops and Crime
Defund MPD
Mainstream media coverage of “crime” often gives people the false impression that crime is constantly on the rise and that police and punishment are the only ways to stop it. But that’s simply not true.
New Normal
Robin James, Real Life
“Cringe” is an instrument of algorithmically managed social control.
The Democratic Party Is Wasting Its Grassroots Energy
Sam Adler-Bell, New York
After four years of fever-pitched marching and movement-building by anti-Trump resistors, antifascists, Democratic Socialists, and Black Lives Matter militants, the sudden quiet from the country’s left flank has been deafening. Where, I find myself asking, is the movement?
“The Great Resignation” Is a Great Exaggeration
Ann Larson, The Nation
Workers are quitting their jobs in record numbers, but it’s not a turning point for labor power.
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