5LL #190 - Ukraine, Abolition, COVID-19, Abortion, The Metaverse

Against Annexations and Imperial Aggression
Autonomous Action, CrimethInc.
A statement from Russian anarchists against Russian aggression in Ukraine.
Abolition: Notes on a Normie Shitstorm
Richard Seymour, Salvage
Normie socialism, wherever it appears, derives in part from real strategic dilemmas posed by opportunities that arrive ‘too soon’.
“The Beyblade Strategy” or: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Focused Protection
Artie Vierkant, Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Death Panel, The New Inquiry
In the minds of those entitled to speak, society is ready to move on, without many of us.
How Black Feminists Defined Abortion Rights
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker
As liberation movements bloomed, they offered a vision of reproductive justice that was about equality, not just “choice.”
False Futurism
Paris Marx, Real Life
The metaverse is just another way to “go online.”
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