5LL #19 - Amazon, Youth Sports, Lyft, Gamification, Dystopian Fiction

Nationalize Amazon
Sarah Jaffe, The Outline
Is this a realistic demand? Perhaps not yet, but that’s the point.
American Meritocracy is Killing Youth Sports
Derek Thompson, The Atlantic
Expensive travel leagues siphon off talented young athletes from well-off families—and leave everyone else behind.
Lyft is Not Your Friend
Meagan Day, Jacobin
Lyft is the latest brand trying to build market share by posing as a “progressive” corporation. But the fight can’t be good corporations against bad ones — it's working people against capitalism.
The Dark Side of Gamifying Work
Vincent Gabrielle, Fast Company
One of the most common user experiences of our time is also a tool of social control. And nowhere is that more true than in the workplace.
Dystopia in Fiction and in Fact
Nathan Robinson, Current Affairs
How “Nineteen Eighty-Four” teaches us the wrong lessons about dictatorship…
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