5LL #189 - Super-Employees, Union-Busting, African Blood Brotherhood, Young Lords, Psychedelics

Revolt of the Super-Employees
Erik Baker, The Baffler
In the workforce-wide star system, fissures emerge.
How We Turned the Tables On Starbucks Union-Busters
Sara Mughal, Labor Notes
These were Starbucks’ “listening sessions,” or corporate union-busting meetings workers hoping to unionize their store are forced to participate in. But we at the Hopewell store were prepared.
The African Blood Brotherhood, its Relations and Legacy
Ian Szabo, Cosmonaut
Ian Szabo presents a new angle on the history of the African Blood Brotherhood (ABB), illustrating the organizations’ particular synthesis of Black radical politics and Marxism, as well as revealing the racial fantasy through which contemporaneous mainstream U.S. media and the state understood its methods and goals.
How the Young Lords Fought for Health Care Access and Won
Marissa Lemar, Teen Vogue
The Young Lords focused on things like improving trash collection, bringing tuberculosis testing to their neighborhood, and safeguarding women’s reproductive rights.
The Corporatization of Psychedelics Would Be a Disaster
Ross Ellenhorn and Dimitri Mugianis, Jacobin
We’re in the midst of a new psychedelics boom across the United States. These drugs can provide incredible healing and understanding — but not under the dictates of a pathologizing, profit-obsessed health system.
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