5LL #187 - NFTs, Care Work, Teachers, Research, Vibes

The Ghostchain. (Or Taking Things for What They Are)
Geraldine Juárez, Paletten
Crypto-art is the personification of crypto, while the crypto-artist is the commodification of artists.
What the Conversation Around the "Great Resignation" Leaves Out
Meg Conley, Harper's Bazaar
You can't talk about labor without talking about care work.
School Daze
Sarah Jones, New York
The pandemic has burdened teachers like never before, and many don’t know how much longer they can take it.
Holding to Account: Safiya Umoja Noble and Meredith Whittaker on Duties of Care and Resistance to Big Tech
J. Khadijah Abdurahman, Safiya Umoja Noble and Meredith Whittaker, Logic
Abdurahman spoke with Noble and Whittaker about how to do critical tech research, and how to insist on transformative justice practices as we try to dismantle technologies of oppression.
Vibe, Mood, Energy
Mitch Therieau, The Drift
The products of mass culture have learned to speak a new language: the language of the occult.
Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers
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