5LL #184 - Small Businesses, Freedom, Schools, Right to Work, Structures

Family Capitalism and the Small Business Insurrection
Melinda Cooper, Dissent
The growing militancy of the Republican right is less about an alliance of small business against big business than it is an insurrection of one form of capitalism against another: the private, unincorporated, and family-based versus the corporate, publicly traded, and shareholder-owned.
Technologies of Black Freedoms: Calling On Black Studies Scholars, with SA Smythe
J. Khadijah Abdurahman and SA Smythe, Logic
To overcome the limitations of the algorithmic bias discourse, we need to ask a completely different set of questions about technology, drawing on the traditions of black thought and black freedom-dreaming.
We’re Having the Wrong Conversation About School
Sarah Jones, New York
Officials and pundits pit parents and teachers against each other, but both groups need more help than they’re getting, and both have reason for fury.
Defeating a Pillar of Jim Crow: Right to Work
Josh Armstead, The Virginia Worker
Right to Work is a legacy of racism we must smash.
The Left Should See Our Movement as a Dynamic Ecology
Kevin Potter, Jacobin
Instead of finger-wagging at other leftists, we should think ecologically about our organizational structures and tactics.
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