5LL #183 - Interruptions, Stories, Crypto, Wilderness, Music

Politics as Exceptional Interruption
Sean Alderson, Andrew McWhinney, Cam W., and Asad Haider, Negation
Both the theory that “everything is political,” and the definition of “the political” as some invariant aspect of human existence, are contrary to the idea that politics is exceptional, that it interrupts the continuity of domination, the continuity that characterizes what we know of human history.
Our Age of Uprisings: We Are a World Remaking Itself
Max Haiven, ROAR
Amidst capitalist crises, social movements are telling new stories about what it means to be human, revealing our collective power to refuse and create.
The Ticking Bomb of Crypto Fascism
Hamilton Nolan, In These Times
The crypto market’s inevitable crash will pull America’s politics in an even scarier direction.
The Great Offline
Lauren Collee, Real Life
The concept of “offline” is built on the earlier concept of “wilderness,” inheriting its flaws and hazards.
The Masters Own You
Rich Woodall, The Baffler
Big Music has song rights all wrong.
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