5LL #180 - Taxis, Fanon, bell hooks, Liberalism, Animation

How the Taxi Workers Won
Molly Crabapple, The Nation
The 45 days of fierce protest, shrewd organizing, and ferocious solidarity that ended the debt nightmare that had engulfed the taxi industry.
Frantz Fanon's Enduring Legacy
Pankaj Mishra, The New Yorker
The post-colonial thinker’s seminal book, “The Wretched of the Earth,” described political oppression in psychological terms. What are its lessons for our current moment?
bell hooks, Black Feminist Icon, Dies at 69
Marian Jones, Teen Vogue
The Ain’t I a Woman? author left an indelible mark on Black feminist cultural studies and criticism.
Yesterday's Men
Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins, The Baffler
Cold War liberalism, what is it good for?
Animation Writers Want Pay Parity With Their Live-Action Counterparts
Alex N. Press, Jacobin
Animation writers — responsible for some of the world’s most recognizable cartoons at studios like Nickelodeon — are subject to staggering disparities between themselves and live-action writers.
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