5LL #177 - Gramsci, Unions, SNCC, John Birch Society, Nostalgia

Was Donald Trump’s ‘War on Coal’ Real, or Just the Market at Work?
Alyssa Battistoni and Geoff Mann, The New Statesman
To make sense of a destabilizing planet we must look to the ideas of Antonio Gramsci.
A Look at How Unions Lift Workers
Steven Greenhouse, The American Prospect
Unions aren’t just about strikes and politics—the stories the media covers. There’s a big story the media usually misses about unions: how, concretely, they improve workers’ lives.
SNCC's Unruly Internationalism
Dan Berger, Boston Review
Though the organization’s legacy has been domesticated, its grassroots leadership embraced the global fight for freedom.
We All Live in the John Birch Society’s World Now
Chris Lehmann, The New Republic
In his lifetime, Robert Welch toiled in the mocked and marginal fringe. Today his ideas are the mainstream of the American right.
Yesterday Once More
Grafton Tanner, Real Life
Algorithms are changing how we experience nostalgia.
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