5LL #175 - David Graeber, Land, Paranoia, Edward Said, Nietzsche

David Graeber’s Possible Worlds
Molly Fischer, New York Magazine
The Dawn of Everything author left behind countless fans and a belief society could still change for the better.
This Land is Their Land
Jordan G. Teicher, The Baffler
The billionaire class holds the planet for ransom.
Eine kleine Paranoia
Mary Elizabeth Borkowski, The New Inquiry
Crisis exposes the limits of paranoia as a defense mechanism.
Edward Said Showed Intellectuals How to Bring Politics to Their Work
Conor McCarthy, Jacobin
The Palestinian writer Edward Said wasn’t merely an intellectual who took brave political stands. Said’s whole approach to his work should be a model for politically engaged scholarship that doesn’t get bogged down in the thickets of academic culture.
Marx and Nietzsche: How Art Can Save Us
Jonas Čeika, Institute of Art and Ideas
How to philosophize with a hammer, sickle and paint brush.
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