5LL #174 - Circuits, Climate, Fast Food, Carceral Debt, Dungeons & Dragons

The Extractive Circuit
Ajay Singh Chaudhary, The Baffler
An exhausted planet at the end of growth.
Our Planet Is Heating Up. Why Are Climate Politics Still Frozen?
Olufemi O. Taiwo, The New Yorker
Centuries after colonial and corporate powers set the stage for our environmental crisis, governments remain convinced that the market will solve it.
'It's a Walkout!'
Greg Jaffe, The Washington Post
Inside the fast-food workers’ season of rebellion.
Millions of Americans Owe Court Fees or Other 'Carceral Debt'. This Must End.
Astra Taylor, The Guardian
On average, incarcerated people are released owing $13,607 in court fines and fees, not including bail debt. Entire communities suffer as a result.
Dungeons & Dragons Is a Case Study in How Capitalism Kills Art
Leonard Pierce, Jacobin
The story of Dungeons & Dragons isn’t just about nerds creating a wildly popular game and then losing control of it. It’s also about how the dictates of the free market inevitably end up stripping even our leisure activities of joy.
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