5LL #172 - Gender, Opioids, Evictions, Farming, Education

Why Is the Idea of 'Gender' Provoking Backlash the World Over?
Judith Butler, The Guardian
Increasingly, authoritarians are likening ‘genderism’ to ‘communism’ and ‘totalitarianism’.
United in Rage
Tarence Ray, The Baffler
Half-truths and myths propelled Kentucky’s war on opioids.
Buying Time: Evictions and Tenant Organizing at the Pandemic Slow End
Nathan Eisenberg and Daniel Tutt, The Brooklyn Rail
The balance of class forces, mediated through all of social organization, has entered into a period of strenuous realignment as struggles escalate on multiple fronts. One of the most significant of these is the relation between landlords and tenants.
Farming in the Shadow of the Shadow State
C. E., The New Inquiry
Growing food and getting free in a world built for agricultural capital.
We Don't Need No Innovation
Phil Nichols, Logic
How a fight over school reforms in West Philadelphia revealed the pathologies and possibilities of disrupting education.
Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers
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