5LL #170 - Internationalism, IATSE, Engineers, Militancy, Movements

The New Black Internationalism
Adom Getachew, Dissent
The Movement for Black Lives has developed an incipient internationalist language and vision, with the potential to remap America’s place in the world.
The Film Industry Wants to Keep the Status Quo? Then Shut It Down.
Alex Press, The New York Times
Individual I.A.T.S.E. locals have gone on strike before, but, with so many locals participating, this would be the largest such action in the private sector since the 74,000-person strike at General Motors in 2007.
The Present and Future of Engineers
Nick Chavez, The Brooklyn Rail
Subjecting engineering to Marxist analysis yields complex results.
Molecules and Vectors
Asad Haider, The Baffler
In everyday sabotage and insubordination, Noel Ignatiev saw the capacity necessary for organized action against the employer and ultimately against the capitalist system.
How to Take Over a Political Party
Mark Engler and Paul Engler, The Nation
Daniel Schlozman argues that by becoming “anchor groups,” movements can secure lasting influence. But is entry into a mainstream political party worth the price of admission?
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