5LL #167 - Occupy Wall Street, Pfizer, Paulo Freire, Management, Bulgaria

Occupy Wall Street Changed Everything
Astra Taylor and Jonathan Smucker, New York Magazine
Ten years later, the legacy of Zuccotti Park has never been clearer.
Pfizer Walk With Me
Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant, The New Inquiry
As COVID continues, pharmaceutical companies increasingly assume forms of public statecraft.
Paulo Freire's Ideas Are Just as Powerful Today as Ever
Peter McLaren, Jacobin
Socialist educator Paulo Freire was born one hundred years ago today in the Brazilian city of Recife. A longtime comrade of Freire, leading Marxist pedagogue Peter McLaren writes about how his life and work remain deeply relevant today.
The End of Excellence
Robin Kaiser-Schatzlein, The Baffler
Inside the empty thinking of America’s executive class.
Socialist Cyborgs
Victor Petrov, Logic
How Bulgaria tried—and failed—to save communism by computerizing the 1980s generation.
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