5LL #166 - Judith Butler, Corporations, Immigration, Inflation, Chile

Judith Butler: 'We Need to Rethink the Category of Woman'
Jules Gleeson, The Guardian
The author of the ground-breaking book Gender Trouble says we should not be surprised when the category of women expands to include trans women.
Conserving Liberalism
Kyle Edward Williams, The Baffler
A neglected twentieth-century concept anticipates today’s “woke capitalism.”
Law and Border
Natasha Lennard, Bookforum
Dismantling the logic underlying liberal immigration policies.
The Specter of Inflation
Andrew Elrod, Boston Review
Democrats don’t lose elections because of rising prices. They lose when they cut spending and raise interest rates, sacrificing other goals at the altar of price stability.
Salvador Allende Was Overthrown Because His Government Showed Chile Could Be Transformed
Mia Dragnic, Jacobin
This weekend marks the 48th anniversary of the US-backed coup against Chilean socialist president Salvador Allende. That coup’s history is important, but we can’t forget that Allende’s government also achieved incredible things while in power.
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