5LL #165 - Abortion, Genocide, Class, Raymond Williams, Grace Lee Boggs

How to Give Yourself an Abortion
Arielle Swernoff, Jewish Currents
Everyone deserves to control their own reproduction. This guide to self-managing your abortion using misoprostol, a medication which causes uterine contractions, is intended as a community resource in the service of reproductive justice.
COVID, Capitalism, and Genocide
Alyson Escalante, Cosmonaut
Alyson Escalante unpacks the history behind the concept as it is currently understood and argues that a Marxist understanding of genocide must move beyond legalistic bourgeois definitions that rely on intent and look at the realities of systemic dispossession and extermination.
Intersectional Class Struggle: From Shared Oppression to Unified Resistance
Michael Beyea Reagan, ROAR
The history and practice of intersectional class struggle harbors a rich tradition of working class resistance against white supremacy, patriarchy and imperialism.
Raymond Williams Was a Socialist Visionary
Peter Hill, Jacobin
Raymond Williams would not have claimed to have found all the answers. But we should remember him as one of the most thoughtful socialist writers of the 20th century.
Thinking Dialectically: What Grace Lee Boggs Taught Me
Robin D. G. Kelly, Praxis Center
Grace remained a revolutionary thinker to her last breath.
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