5LL #163 - Corbyn, NYT Tech Guild, California, Fashion, Software

Digital Corbynism
Katrina Forrester, Dissent
In the UK, the left no longer has a party, but it may still have the tools necessary for retaking it—tools that can be improved, remodeled, and reorganized.
Tech's First Strike for A Seat at the Table
Clarissa Redwine, Collective Action in Tech
A deep dive into the NYT Tech Guild walkout.
The Contemporary US Right's Roots in 1930s Union-Busting
Sasha Lilley, Jacobin
The roots of the modern US right lie in the California fields of the 1930s, where large growers ferociously resisted farmworker organizing. It’s a reminder that opposing working-class power has been central to the US right from the very beginning.
Worn Out
Drew Austin, Real Life
Tech elites’ supposed indifference to fashion is a contempt for the commons.
Agile Workplace
Michael Eby, New Left Review
It is clear that Agile dissolves many of the more visible features of hierarchical managerial control. But it does so only to recontain them in subtle and nuanced ways.
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