5LL #161 - Union-Busting, Meetings, Interest Groups, ACT UP, Gen Z

Anatomy of an Anti-Union Meeting
David Dayen, The American Prospect
How No Evil Foods, a plant-based meat company, squashed a union drive.
The Procedural is Political
Renato Flores, Cosmonaut
Renato Flores argues for a culture shift around meeting procedures that takes into account differing backgrounds to make our organizing spaces more accessible to everyone regardless of education and time available.
The Liberals Who Weakened Trust in Government
Kim Phillips-Fein, The New Republic
How public interest groups inadvertently aided the right’s ascendency.
The Real Story of ACT UP
Natalie Adler, Lux
A new book by Sarah Schulman spotlights the women who unleashed power.
The Democratic Socialists of America Can Mobilize Gen Z'ers Like Me
Calla Walsh, Teen Vogue
Gen Z has experienced the worst of late-stage American capitalism and needs to embrace an alternative.
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