5LL #160 - Pop Culture, Bureaucracy, Care, Palestine, Networks

Who Actually Gets to Create Black Pop Culture?
Bertrand Cooper, Current Affairs
A closer look at the economics of Black pop culture reveals that most Black creators (outside music) come from middle-to-upper middle class backgrounds, while the Black poor are written about but rarely get the chance to speak for themselves.
The Time Tax
Annie Lowrey, The Atlantic
Why is so much American bureaucracy left to average citizens?
How Capitalism Invented the Care Economy
Premilla Nadasen, The Nation
This is what’s missing from the new conversation about care work.
Sorry, You Can't Be "Progressive Except Palestine"
Hadas Thier, Jacobin
American liberalism has long had a curious quirk: that of the liberal who is progressive on every issue except Palestine. But as the brutality of Israel’s occupation becomes impossible to ignore, that position is increasingly impossible to hold.
Paris Marx, Real Life
Decentralizing the internet alone won’t lift it above politics or save it from corporate co-optation.
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