5LL #16 - Trans Emancipation, Video Games, Ecosocialism, Zak Ringelstein, White House Report

Socialists Must Defend Trans Life
Fainan Lakha, Jacobin
The Trump administration is attacking trans people's right to access society as a whole. In response, socialists must make trans emancipation a principle of our movement.
'Red Dead Redemption 2' and the Problems With Creative Work
Will Partin, The Outline
If you want to understand the hellish demands of modern labor, look no further than video games.
Ecosocialists Believe the Only Way to Stop Climate Change is to Abandon Capitalism
Kaleigh Rogers, Vice
It can be easy to feel hopeless, like there’s nothing we can do to stop our species from obliterating the planet as we know it in less than a generation. But there’s one sect of people who think they have the answer and, if everyone would just get on board, could easily curb the effects of climate change. It’s called ecosocialism, and it’s exactly as radical as it sounds.
He's a Long-Shot Senate Candidate With a Message: 'Capitalism Unchecked is a Complete Disaster'
Liam Stack, The New York Times
Zak Ringelstein is running against Maine’s Senator Angus King, who is heavily favored to win in November. But for Mr. Ringelstein’s supporters, it’s the message that matters most.
A Spectre is Haunting the White House: Why the Trump Administration is So Scared of Socialism
Miles Kampf-Lassin, In These Times
A new report from the Trump White House attempts to curb the growth of socialism in the United States. Clearly, the administration sees the movement as a real threat.
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