5LL #158 - Social Conflict, TERFs, Architecture, Antitrust, Picture Books

The American Revolution: The George Floyd Rebellion, One Year Out
Jason E. Smith, The Brooklyn Rail
Now that the one-year anniversary of the events of late May and early June—crowned, dramatically, by the immolation of the Third Precinct station in Minneapolis—has come and gone, the need to draw up a balance sheet of what unfolded becomes urgent.
The Road to Terfdom
Katie J. M. Baker, Lux
I wanted to understand why so many Mumsnetters — women who had come to the site “for the babies” but “stayed for the feminism,” as one user wrote — were invigorated by an outdated and bigoted perspective on gender.
Why Does Utopian Architecture Suck?
Kate Wagner, The Nation
Our plans to rethink the built environment keep going awry.
Why Socialists Should Distrust Antitrust
Doug Henwood, Jacobin
People are right to be disgusted by giant corporations. But the liberal “antitrust” response too often valorizes small-scale competition instead of solidarity and worker organization.
The Police and Prisons in our Picture Books
Aoife Greeham, Abolitionist Futures
What might the stories we tell our children actually be communicating, and does it matter?
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