5LL #155 - Rebellions, Nuggets, Reconstruction, 1968, Red Wedge

Except for the Miracles
Olúfémi Táíwò, The Baffler
Liberation as the Fine Art of Losing.
Labriculture Now
Jan Dutkiewicz and Gabriel Rosenberg, Logic
It’s time to disrupt the toxic animal agriculture industry with bioreactor-brewed meat.
Have We Entered America's Third Era of Reconstruction?
Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, The Nation
The first two have much to teach us about the possibilities and dangers that abound today.
Be Realistic: Demand the Impossible
Peter Linebaugh, Boston Review
The revolutionaries of 1968 didn't succeed, but the world still needs turning upside down.
How Britain's Red Wedge Tried to Bring Pop Into Politics and Politics Into Pop
Liam Devitt, Jacobin
In the 1980s, British musicians like Billy Bragg and Paul Weller tried to mobilize Labour support through the group Red Wedge. The rise and fall of Red Wedge tells us a lot about how culture might be used to advance socialist politics.
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