5LL #151 - Police, Biden, Gaza, Paris Commune, USPS

The Professor Who Became a Cop
Patrick Blanchfield, The New Republic
Rosa Brooks wanted to fix law enforcement. She decided to become a police officer.
Biden's Passive Revolution: Using Gramsci to Understand Biden's 'Reformism'
Ashton Rome, Cosmonaut
During moments of organic crisis like this one, the ruling class may attempt what Gramsci called a ‘passive revolution’ – implementing symbolic or limited change from above without fundamentally transforming social relations – to restore its hegemony and stave off challenges to its position within society.
Land and Existence in Gaza
Asad Haider, Viewpoint Magazine
There is a fundamental relation between land and nation and life and existence.
After the Commune
William Clare Roberts, Spectre
In the one hundred fifty years since the Paris Commune, the spectacular horror and grief of its death have competed with and sometimes overshadowed the dreams that animated its life.
The Nonmachinables
Brian Justie, Logic
After 150 years of technological innovation, the problems facing the United States Postal Service are only getting harder.
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