5LL #141 - Xenophobia, The PRO Act, Robin D.G. Kelley, Sexuality, Liberation

The Deep American Roots of the Atlanta Shootings
May Jeong, The New York Times
The victims lived at the nexus of race, gender and class.
The PRO Act Would Undo Decades of Southern Anti-Union Laws Rooted in Racism
Olivia Paschal, Facing South
The bill is one of the most ambitious attempts to strengthen the rights of workers and unions in decades.
The Future of L.A. Is Here. Robin D.G. Kelley's Radical Imagination Shows Us the Way.
Vinson Cunningham, The Los Angeles Times
Kelley keeps an eye on grassroots movements and on how maintaining a fertile, humane vision for the future creates new opportunities for radical action in the present.
The Life and Death of Modern Homosexuality
Ben Miller, The Baffler
Abolish the capitalist forces that produced “gay people.”
Giving Up the Ghost: On the Legacy of Mark Fisher
Alexander Billet, Los Angeles Review of Books
Between climate change and a rising far-right, our future diminishes daily. Fisher’s work speaks to us through this lens, this alien language of existential displacement.
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