5LL #139 - Grocery Stores, Policing, Care Work, Identity Politics, Strike Funds

My Pandemic Year Behind the Checkout Counter
Ann Larson, The New Republic
On working amid paranoid customers, hungry shoplifters, sick co-workers, and people who just need a bathroom.
The George Floyd Act Wouldn't Have Saved George Floyd's Life. That Says It All.
Derecka Purnell, The Guardian
The reforms being pushed could not have even saved George Floyd’s life. We need much more than this.
After the Pandemic, We Can't Go Back to Sleep
David Graeber, Jacobin
In an essay penned shortly before his death, David Graeber argued that post-pandemic, we can’t slip back into a reality where the way our society is organized — to serve every whim of a small handful of rich people while debasing and degrading the vast majority of us — is seen as sensible or reasonable.
What Are Identity Politics? A Vision of Solidarity Rooted in Black Feminism
Marian Jones, Teen Vogue
This op-ed talks about the real meaning of Black feminist identity politics.
How to Run a Wildcat Strike Fund
Jane Komori, Viewpoint Magazine
In this article, Jane Komori, a participant and organizer in the COLA strike, examines the ins and outs of running a strike fund (especially difficult when the action is taken while under contract), an often overlooked yet essential task in strike logistics.
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