5LL #132 - Catastrophes, Unemployment, Nationalism, Organizing, Smears

Capitalist Catastrophism
Kai Heron, Roar
Capitalist realism is over. Europe’s response to COVID-19 and the climate crisis shows that a new form of capitalism is in the making.
Organizing the Unemployed
Sam Adler-Bell, Dissent
A replicable strategy for organizing the jobless on a mass scale has yet to emerge. The future may depend on finding one.
Post Nationalism in the Age of Cooptation and Other Dumpster Fires
adrienne maree brown
Being a post nationalist is feeling constantly aware that our species precedes our nation.
The Alphabet Workers Union is the Latest Example of Top-First Organizing
Max Dewes, Organizing Work
A tech worker critiques campaigns that begin by creating the “top” of the organization first (name, demands, public presence, organizational leaders) instead of building up from ground-level organizing.
Socialists Denounced as Foes and Tools of Real Estate Industry
Ari Paul, FAIR
Over and over again, corporate media repeat the accusation from establishment Democrats and conservatives that the ascendant socialist movement is made up of “gentrifiers.”
Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers
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