5LL #131 - Trumpism, Republicans, AWU, Marxism, Hegemony

We Cannot Let Yesterday's Farce Become Tomorrow's Tragedy
Editorial Board, Spectre
If we do not rise to the occasion and stop the growth of this movement, next time (or the one after that) could be dangerously serious.
Riot on the Hill
Mike Davis, New Left Review
The Republican Party has just undergone an irreparable split.
The ABC's of Google's New Union
Clarissa Redwine, Collective Action in Tech
An explainer on non-contract unions, how workers at Alphabet are using this structure to build and maintain power, and why you should too.
Marxism Shows Us How Our Problems Are Connected
Alan Maass, Jacobin
Why is there so much misery in a world of plenty? Why do private profit and wealth come before human needs and lives? Marxism has answers to these questions — answers that are actually easy to understand.
Surfin' USA
Vincent Bevins, The Baffler
The internet is very much an American thing, both in its concrete origins as well as the rules that govern it.
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