5LL #130 - Realignment, Trump Voters, Žižek, Aspirations, Amazon

“We’re In a Race Against Time”: Interview With Hegemony How-To Author Jonathan Smucker
John Tarleton, The Indypendent
There's a political realignment taking place amid a system-wide crisis of legitimacy that status quo forces cannot resolve.
The Union Members Who Voted for Trump Have to Be Organized—Not Ignored
Mindy Isser, In These Times
If the goal of reaching out to Trump voters is to activate their progressive beliefs strongly enough to influence their voting behavior, then union Trump voters should be a promising place to start.
We Need a Socialist Reset, Not a Corporate “Great Reset”
Slavoj Žižek, Jacobin
We've been given a choice between a return to the old exploitative normality and a post-COVID corporate "Great Reset" that promises to be even worse. We need a real alternative, a socialist reset that can win justice for all and save the planet from climate apocalypse.
What Does It Mean to Be ‘Aspirational’?
Trey Taylor, Medium
To be aspirational under capitalism is not to collaborate together to further one’s social position against those in power.
Inside the Whale: An Interview with an Anonymous Amazonian
Anonymous, Logic
We talked with an AWS cybersecurity engineer about how to think about the behemoth and how it feels to work inside it.
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