5LL #129 - Labor, Criminal Justice, Ridesharing, Obama, Merchants

The Year That Labor Hung On By Its Fingertips
Hamilton Nolan, In These Times
Disasters, missed opportunities, and a few bright spots in 2020.
How States Transformed Criminal Justice in 2020, and How They Fell Short
Daniel Nichanian, The Appeal
Criminal justice reform advocates called for sweeping changes in this challenging year. But state officials and legislatures largely ducked the COVID-19 pandemic that is raging inside prisons and jails, and the protests against police brutality and racial justice that followed Breonna Taylor and George Floyd’s murders.
Can a Worker-Owned App Pull Drivers From Uber and Lyft?
Sarah Jones, Curbed
Though the Drivers Cooperative has existed for under a month, its three co-founders tell Curbed that their democratic worker-owned platform has the potential to siphon off drivers from an exploitative rideshare industry.
The Fraudulent Universalism of Barack Obama
Luke Savage and Nathan J. Robinson, Current Affairs
The 44th president’s new memoir showcases his impressive storytelling skills—and the dishonesty and shallowness of the stories he tells.
Transition Theory
Tim Barker, Phenomenal World
Once you’ve got everyone to agree that capitalism has a history, you have to define what capitalism is and then explain when, where, why, and how it emerged.
Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers
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