5LL #123 - Demands, Work, Beginnings, The Party, Music

Voting Trump Out Is Not Enough
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker
The demands emerging from this summer’s protests have exposed tensions among Democrats, as the country’s needs dwarf the best of what Joe Biden has put on the table.
'To Save the World, We're Going to Have to Stop Working'
David Graeber, The Big Issue
Why destroy the world if you don’t have to?
Beginnings of Politics: DSA and the Uprising
Taylor B, Cosmonaut
Writing in August, Taylor B argues that we must look to new emancipatory forces arising in the current conjuncture instead of seeking to impose older forms of organization. We aim for this piece to be a jumping-off point for a broader debate about strategy and the party-form in our current historical moment.
Party As Articulator
Salar Mohandesi, Viewpoint Magazine
Instead of treating it as a single fixed entity that tries to conquer state power, either by an insurrection or an election, I suggest we think of the “party” as an organization among others, one defined by its articulating function, as that which unites disparate social forces, links struggles over time, and facilitates the collective project of building socialism beyond the state.
The Soundtrack to Our Age of Decay
Alexander Billet, Jacobin
Both hip-hop and punk bloomed out of the social collapse created by the economic crisis of the 1970s. But where is the music of our twenty-first-century disaster?
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