5LL #120 - Collectivities, #NotHimUs, Angela Davis, Informatics, Kim Stanley Robinson

Building, Not Branding
Chris Dixon, Canadian Dimension
Instead of creating individual brands, we can aim to build collectivities in struggle
The Bernie Organizers Who Want to Elect Biden—Then Defeat Him
Isabel Cristo, The New Republic
A grassroots coalition is fighting like hell to build power for the left. Securing a Democratic win this presidential election is a necessary detour on that path.
Angela Davis Still Believes America Can Change
Nelson George, The New York Times
Before the world knew what intersectionality was, the scholar, writer and activist was living it, arguing not just for Black liberation, but for the rights of women and queer and transgender people as well.
Informatics of the Oppressed
Rodrigo Ochigame, Logic
Algorithms of oppression have been around for a long time. So have radical projects to dismantle them and build emancipatory alternatives.
Imagining the End of Capitalism With Kim Stanley Robinson
Derrick O'Keefe, Jacobin
Kim Stanley Robinson is the author of more than twenty books, including New York 2140, Red Moon, and the Mars trilogy. He talked to Jacobin about his latest work, his vision of socialism, and why we must fight to imagine the end of capitalism rather than the end of the world.
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