5LL #119 - Cuba, Piecework, The Squad, Union-Busting, Empire

It's Time to Talk About Cuba. And Puerto Rico, Too.
Angelo Guisado, Current Affairs
A story of two islands, and what they tell us about neoliberalism.
Digital Piecework
Veena Dubal, Dissent
Homework and piece pay in the garment industry were largely abolished by the global labor struggles that preceded the New Deal. Silicon Valley capitalists have brought the model back.
The Squad Is Growing: A New Crew of Left Challengers Is Bringing Movement Politics to Congress
Natalie Shure, In These Times
It’s not just AOC, Omar, Pressley and Tlaib. This crop of organizers-turned-politicians—alongside the Squad—plans to usher in a progressive revival in the House of Representatives.
Pro-Woman, Anti-Worker
Kim Kelly, The Baffler
On union-busting in the reproductive and gender justice space
The American Empire and Existential Enemies
Daniel Bessner, Foreign Exchanges
Since its emergence in the middle of the twentieth century, the American Empire has been fueled by the search for an enemy.
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