5LL #116 - Breonna Taylor, The Supreme Court, Yom Kippur, Anti-Communism, Beauty

Post-It Dreams
Tressie McMillan Cottom, Medium
Every one of Breonna’s Post-it notes is a future that we cannot weigh.
The Case for Ending the Supreme Court as We Know It
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker
In this moment of exalting uprisings and re-emergent social movements, we cannot overlook the disturbing history of the Supreme Court and its regressive role in American society.
Happy Yom Kippur!
Hannah Gold, Vashti
If capitalists were not atoning for their sins on Yom Kippur, why should the Jewish worker observe?
What Democratic Socialists Should Think About Anti-Communism
Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht, Jacobin
A deep commitment to democracy is at the heart of the socialist project. Anticommunists have historically claimed they oppose states like the Soviet Union out of a concern for democracy. But those anticommunists’ real project has nothing to do with democracy — and everything to do with smashing the Left.
You Have to Suffer
Vanessa A. Bee, Guernica
I grew up coveting white skin. It would take a village's worth of role models to fix me.
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