5LL #115 - Housing Justice, Green New Deal, Minneapolis, Class, Mark Fisher

Tenants' Rights Organizers Explain How They Fight for Renters' Rights and Housing Justice
Lucy Diavolo, Teen Vogue
Organizers and activists told us how they’re building and exercising power right now, how they’ve been doing it for years, and about the future they’re trying to create.
Any Politician Unwilling to Act on Climate Is an Enemy of Humanity
Paul Waters-Smith, Current Affairs
Successful organizing around the Green New Deal has created one last opportunity to avoid catastrophic climate change. But only a mass popular mobilization can make it happen.
The Sanctuary
Wes Enzinna, Harper's Magazine
At the Sheraton, perhaps more than anywhere else, activists’ most revolutionary ambitions had all come together under one roof. There, they hoped to take the first step toward the realization of a world without cops.
The Working Class Is the Vast Majority of Society
Hadas Thier, Jacobin
Class isn’t just about how much money you make, and it’s certainly not about cultural traits or your level of education. Marxists argue that anyone who must sell their ability to work for a wage and can’t produce their life necessities for themselves is part of the working class.
The Last Monday On Earth: Mark Fisher's Postcapitalist Desire
Enrico Monacelli, The Quietus
The bleeding heart of this project is the yearning for a better life, the joys and failures such yearning brings.
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