5LL #113 - Michigan, Work, Looting, Technology, The Military

Michigan's Left
Eli Day, Current Affairs
Midwesterners make demands as Michigan’s unemployment rates, water shutoffs and evictions come to a head.
Work Sucks
Kassandra Vee, The New Inquiry
The revolution will not be a job fair. No one is gonna check your CV.
'Trying to Get Free'
Stephen Kearse, The Nation
A conversation about the radical politics of looting with Vicky Osterweil.
Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit
David Graeber, The Baffler
Why did the projected explosion of technological growth everyone was expecting—the moon bases, the robot factories—fail to happen?
Military Service as Liberal Policing: A Brief Racial History of Project 100,000
Tamara K. Nopper, Radical History Review
As our current political moment involves renewed protest and rebellions, as well as calls for defunding the police and abolition, considering how military service is deployed as a liberal form of policing may be instructive for contemplating the totality of state repression against political insurgency.
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