5LL #112 - Representation, White Supremacy, Basketball, USPS, Reconstruction

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Limits of Representation
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker
Too often, symbolism has stood in for making a meaningful difference in the lives of Black people. Will Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s 2020 Democratic ticket be different?
How to Dismantle White Supremacy
Barbara Smith, The Nation
To end systemic racism, the country needs a comprehensive racial justice program even more sweeping than the Marshall Plan.
The Milwaukee Bucks Just Went on Strike. You Can, Too.
Ben Beckett, Jacobin
To protest the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the Milwaukee Bucks sat out Game 5 of the NBA playoffs — and forced the entire league to shut down. The Bucks players are workers who shut down their workplace with a strike. You can go on strike, too.
Why I Love the Post Office (And You Should, Too)
Mindy Isser, Current Affairs
The postal service isn’t just a service; it’s countless resources, opportunities, and livelihoods- and we cannot take it for granted.
The Black Radical Success Story Your History Class Ignored
Tirhakah Love, LEVEL
The Reconstruction era as it’s taught minimizes a grand, transformative project that remade not just Black life, but life as we know it
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