5LL #108 - Eviction Defense, Reparations, Call-Outs, Foreign Policy, Deadspin

New Yorkers Are Using a 1930s-Era Tactic to Stop Evictions
Caroline Spivack, Curbed
Amid waning protections for renters and unemployment rates not seen since the Great Depression, eviction defense is poised for a resurgence.
Policing Can't End Violence in the U.S., But Reparations Might
Jonathan Ben-Menachem, Current Affairs
Because American police have always upheld racial capitalism through violence, anti-racist public safety requires police abolition—and police abolition requires reparations.
Unthinkable Thoughts: Call Out Culture in the Age of COVID-19
adrienne maree brown
Unless we have a true analysis of abolition and dismantling systems of oppression, we will not realize what’s in our hands, we will never put the master’s tools down and figure out what our tools are and can be.
Will the Left Get a Say in the Biden Doctrine?
David Klion, The Nation
Covid-19 creates an opportunity to shift foreign policy away from the military.
The Former Deadspin People Explain How to Launch a Worker-Owned Media Co-op That Might Succeed
Hamilton Nolan, In These Times
The former writers of Deadspin have announced the launch of Defector Media, which will be an honest-to-goodness media co-op owned by the writers and editors themselves.
Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers
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