5LL #107 - Combahee River Collective, Crises, Institutions, Litmus Tests, Soundscapes

Until Black Women Are Free, None of Us Will Be Free
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Barbara Smith and the Black feminist visionaries of the Combahee River Collective.
Meditations in an Emergency
Asad Haider, The Baffler
On the history and philosophy of crisis
Why We Need Working-Class Cultural Institutions
William Harris, Jacobin
Creating a vibrant left ecosystem doesn’t just mean building stronger labor and tenant unions — it means building cultural institutions that prize democracy over privatization and embed themselves in everyday working-class life.
In Defense of Litmus Tests
Briahna Joy Gray, Current Affairs
Having principles is not an indulgence. It’s essential if we’re going to be better than the right.
The Struggle for the Urban Soundscape
Kate Wagner, The Atlantic
The quiet of lockdown and the noise of protest restage the political conflicts of sonic life in the city.
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