5LL #103 - #8toAbolition, Blackwashing, Neoliberalism, Cooptation, Street Tactics

8 to Abolition Is Advocating to Abolish Police to Keep Us All Safe
Leila Raven, Mon Mohapatra and Rachel Kuo, Teen Vogue
In the midst of a pandemic and mass uprisings in defense of Black lives, we have an opportunity to drastically transform the way we live, work, and relate to one another.
Don't Let Blackwashing Save the Investor Class
Cedric Johnson, Jacobin
Corporations have embraced antiracist rhetoric, but they will not eradicate the economic insecurity and inequality the investor class requires — and wants the police to uphold.
The Fallacies of Neoliberal Protest
Russell Rickford, Black Perspectives
We don’t need the apparatus of our oppression—racial capitalism itself—to rationalize and regulate our dissent.
Cooptation as Ruling Class Strategy
Matthew N. Lyons, threewayfight
To put this situation in perspective, it’s helpful to look at how the U.S. ruling class responded to the African American urban uprisings of the 1960s.
Safer in the Streets
Safer in the Streets, The Nib
A zine on best practices for dealing with the police from a cartoonist collective.
Split a donation between 70+ community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers
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